For each individual Advertiser, We should create a new Order in Google Ad Manager Ad server.
In order to create an Order,
- Select Delivery from the left hand side Main Menu and click over NEW ORDER
- Give input Name of the Ad campaign and Add Advertiser in required fields
- You have also have an option entries to do about the advertiser or the agency contacts, Sales Person details and Trafficker etc in required fields.
- Create an initial GAM line item that will deliver the ad via the call for a creative.
- Fill in the delivery (defined below) and targeting details (defined below). Line items should be targeted to individual ad units, placements or the entire site.
- Click ‘Save’.
- Now you’re ready to add a creative!
Please take a look on the following picture.
Once you have done this process, you will be redirected to create a Line item, where you suppose to create an individual Line Items for each Ad slots and follow by you can start to upload the creative before start to Approve the GAM Order.
A line item means the advertiser’s commitment to purchase a specific number of impressions (CPM), clicks (CPC), or time (CPD) on certain dates at a certain price.
Basically, There are two types of Line Items Delivery:-
- Premium Line Item Delivery Types (Guaranteed Line Items)
- Remnant Line Item Delivery Types ( NON – Guaranteed Line Items)
Please take a look at the below picture where you can understand different types of Line Item Delivery
B(1) Premium Line Item Delivery Types (Guaranteed Line Items)
This is also known as Guaranteed Line items. Line items are an important one of how you organize your ad stack. Premium line items (sponsorship and standard) will deliver the highest CPMs.
A) Sponsorship
- Sponsorship line items have the highest (Top Most) delivery priority.
- Best for: Time -based campaigns where an advertiser purchases a percentage of all available targeted inventory.
- Sponsorship line items can target following cost categories such as CPM, CPC, or CPD rate or goal.
Consider, A Publisher has a direct partnership with a large premium brand (ex. Nike). They formally agree via a signed insertion order (IO) that Nike will buy 100% of all 728×90 impressions at the top of the web Page for the whole month.
Please take a look on the following picture.
B) Standard
- Standard line items are most commonly used for directly sell campaigns that have an agreed – upon impression quantity in specified timeline with an advertiser.
- Best for: Time -based campaigns where a specific volume of impressions is to be delivered over a range of dates for an advertiser.
- Standard line items can target following cost categories such as CPM or CPC rate or goal.
Consider, A Publisher has a direct partnership with a brand of any size. They formally agree via a signed insertion order (IO) that the brand partner will be guaranteed a specific number (100,000) of impressions over specific dates ( Start date: 10 Dec’2018 – End date: 31 Dec’2018) for an advertiser.
In this Case, A Publisher can give “Standard” priority to the advertiser.
Please take a look on the following picture.
B(2) Remnant Line Item Delivery Types ( NON – Guaranteed Line Items)
Following Type are also known as NON-Guaranteed Line items.
Please take a look on the following picture.
A) Network
- Best for: Time-based campaigns where typically an ad network buys a percentage of all available targeted impressions remaining after direct or guaranteed line items have met their daily pacing goals.
- Even though it is not always required, these ad buys can also be agreed upon via signed insertion order (IO), with the ad buy on behalf of multiple advertisers without a direct relationship to the publisher.
- Network line items can target following cost categories such as CPM, CPC, or CPD rate or goal.
A Publisher has a partnership with an Ad Network called “Sovrn” to target multiple ad units or placements for remnant inventory on the site at various CPM rates of Specific span of period (January to July) with allocation percentages varying depending on the ad unit.
Please take a look on the following picture.
B) Price Priority
- Best for: Time-based or open-ended schedule campaigns where typically an ad network buys an unlimited or specific number of remnant inventories, non-guaranteed impressions, either based on the total amount of time of the line item’s schedule (lifetime) or based on a daily impression goal within a specific date or open-ended schedule.
- Price Priority Line items can target following cost categories such as CPM or CPC rate or goal.
A Publisher has a partnership with an Ad Network Called “Sovrn” to target multiple ad units or placements for remnant inventory on her site at various CPM rates with an open-ended end date to deliver as many available impressions as possible until the Publisher determines that the campaigns need to be paused or updated.
Please take a look on the following picture.
C) Bulk
- Bulk is similar to price priority but you should have a fixed quantity of impressions. They will deliver evenly by default.
- Best for: -Time-based or open-ended schedule campaigns where typically an ad network buys a specific number of remnant inventories, non-guaranteed impressions, either based on the total amount of time of the line item’s schedule (without specifying end date) or open-ended schedule.
- Bulk Line items can only target following cost categories such as CPM rate or goal.
A Publisher has a partnership with another remnant partner to target all unsold inventory (Run of Network or Run of Site) on his site at a CPM rate $1 below his Ad network “ Sovrn” line items.
Please take a look on the following picture.
D) House
- House line items are typically used for ads (In-house Ads) that promote products or services chosen by you (Internal). House ads are commonly used for non-revenue generating and always have the lowest delivery priority.
- Best for:- Campaigns where you can serve your own product or services for marketing and not necessarily to directly impact revenue.
- House Line items can target following cost categories such as CPM or CPC rate or goal.
When a publisher wants to ensure that if there are any unsold impressions from his remnant line items, then his in-store product cleaning and repair services are advertised instead of a blank ad slot.
Please take a look on the following picture.